Franco Anfuso

From the deepest part of my soul comes an urgent, sometimes obsessive need to express through colour and form the sensations and strong emotions that my spirit perceives during every moment of my life-even in sleep.



Franco Anfuso was born on July, 22 1949 in Pontecagnano Faiano, a town in the Italian province of Salerno rich of history and archaeological remains of the Picena, Samnite, Greek and Etruscan civilisations. He graduated at the Institute of Art "Filiberto Menna" in Salerno and attended the Accademia delle Belle Arti in Naples. Driven by an urge to express the tumult of human emotions and passions of thoughts and desires both manifest and mysterious, he began his exploration of painting in 1965.

Anfuso has exhibited in various Italian and foreign cities, many of his works are in public and private collections in Italy, Germany, Venezuela and Australia. His preferred medium is Oil on canvas, but he also expresses himself through acrylics, graphic art, lithography, ceramics, sculpture, and glass painting. The important Italian writer Domenico Rea describes Anfuso''s art as "esoteric, metaphysical and meta-historical".

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